Saturday, November 8, 2008

Web 3.0, a Proof of Innovation No Stop

Jika ingin melihat akan seperti apa perkembangan web di masa depan, maka Web 3.0 adalah jawabannya. Terobosan ini merupakan bukti bahwa teknologi World Wide Web selalu berkembang. Dunia maya (baca: Internet) telah banyak mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia dewasa ini. Semakin banyak orang yang menggantungkan perkembangan informasinya kepada Internet, sehingga teknologi yang dipergunakan dalam pembangunan sebuah situs web pun terus berkembang. Dari era pertama web dikembangkan (Web 1.0), dimana pengunjung hanya bisa mencari (searching) dan melihat-lihat (browsing) data informasi yang ada di web, kemudian bergeser pada era pengembangan web kedua (Web 2.0) di mana pengunjung mulai dapat melakukan interaksi dengan diatur oleh sistem yang ada pada web. Jenis interaksi yang dapat dilakukan pada era kedua ini antara lain untuk saling bertukar informasi (sharing), eksploitasi informasi, dan juga pembuatan komunitas-komunitas online seperti yang marak saat ini, seperti Friendster, Multiply, YouTube, dan lain-lain. Masing masing komunitas ini mempunyai kepentingannya sendiri dalam saling bertukar data maupun informasi yang mereka himpun. Dalam era inilah sebenarnya interaksi sosial dalam dunia maya mulai dikembangkan. Dan mulai dari era ini pulalah ide untuk mengembangkan aspek sosial sebuah web mulai dipikirkan. Aspek sosial yang dimaksud, terutama adalah aspek interaksi. Bagaimana sebuah web dapat memberikan sebuah interaksi sesuai dengan kebutuhan informasi setiap pemakaianya, merupakan sebuah tantangan utama dikembangkannya versi Web 3.0 ini. Walaupun hanya bersifat virtual 3D, namun ternyata banyak yang mengharapkan perkembangan teknologi web ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan setiap bidang informasi, bahkan setiap orang yang mengunjunginya. Jika dianalogikan dalam kehidupan nyata, masyarakat kini ingin diperlakukan seperti seorang pengunjung butik dalam mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya. Bukan seperti pengunjung supermarket yang dibiarkan mencari dan mendapatkan sendiri barang yang dinginkannya. Pengunjung sebuah web ingin dimengerti kemauannya oleh ‘toko’ penyedia informasi (dalam hal ini website). Inilah yang dimaksud dengan tantangan bagaimana sebuah web dapat mengerti dan membantu pengunjung dalam berinteraksi dengan semua informasi yang ada. Sehingga tak mengherankan jika kemudian ciri dari pengembangan web generasi ketiga ini adalah web yang bersifat ‘nyata’, benar-benar ada interaksi yang terjadi, kemudian dapat memberikan suggestion atau ‘anjuran’ kepada pengunjung dalam mendapatkan informasi yang diharapkannya, dan tentu saja juga tetap bersifat ‘provide’ atau mampu menyediakan informasi yang dibutuhkan. Web 3.0 sendiri merupakan sebuah proyek pengembangan semantic web, yaitu sebuah sistem web yang dapat melacak setiap kaitan dari kata-kata yang terangkai, berkaitan dengan arti setiap kata yang dipakai. Tujuannya tentu saja agar web dapat menjadi media umum untuk bertukar informasi melalui dokumen-dokumen yang bahasanya dapat dimengerti oleh sistem, sehingga para pengunjung web dapat dengan mudah mencari data yang tepat atau minimal berkaitan dekat dengan apa yang kita maksud. Web 3.0 sendiri merupakan sebuah realisasi dari pengembangan sistem kecerdasan buatan (artificial intelegence) untuk menciptakan global meta data yang dapat dimengerti oleh sistem, sehingga sistem dapat mengartikan kembali data tersebut kepada pengunjung dengan baik. Saat ini adaptasi Web 3.0 mulai dikembangkan oleh beberapa perusahaan di dunia seperti secondlife, Google Co-Ops, bahkan di Indonesia sendiri juga sudah ada yang mulai mengembangkannya, yaitu Li’L Online (LILO) Community. Permasalahan lain yang potensial muncul adalah, sebagai teknologi masa depan, Web 3.0 juga membutuhkan kecepatan akses Internet yang memadahi dan spesifikasi komputer yang tidak enteng, hal ini disebabkan tak lain karena teknologi ini secara visual berbasis 3D. Sedangkan seperti yang kita tahu biaya akses Internet dengan kecepatan tinggi di Indonesia ini masih terbilang mahal bagi masyarakat umum. Belum lagi jika dihitung dari biaya spesifikasi perangkat komputer yang dibutuhkan, mungkin masyarakat Indonesia yang ingin menikmati kecanggihan layanan berbasis teknologi Web 3.0 masih harus menarik nafas penjang. Namun karena Web 3.0 sendiri masih dalam pengembangan, seiring dengan berlalunya waktu sebagai masyarakat Indonesia kita masih bisa mengharapkan bahwa biaya komunikasi, dalam hal ini koneksi Internet kecepatan tinggi akan semakin murah nantinya, sehingga terjangkau bagi masyarakat luas.(dna) If you want to see what will be the development of the web in the future, then Web 3.0 is the answer. This breakthrough technology is evidence that the World Wide Web is always growing. Virtual world (read: Internet) has been affecting many human lives today. The more people who hang out information to the development of the Internet, so that the technology used in the development of a web site continues to grow. From the era of the first developed the web (Web 1.0), where visitors can search only (Click) and see (browsing) data information on the web, and then move on the second era of the web (Web 2.0) where visitors can begin to make interaction with regulated by the existing systems on the web. The type of interaction that can be done in the era between the two is another to exchange information (sharing), the exploitation of information, and also the creation of online communities such as the hugely popular at this time, such as Friendster, Multiply, YouTube and others. Each community has its own interests in the exchange of data and information that they himpun. In this era of actual social interaction in the virtual world began to be developed. And from this era also ideas to develop the social aspects of a web start imaginable. Is the social aspect, especially the aspects of interaction. How a web can provide an interaction with the information needs of each pemakaianya, is a major development challenges of the Web 3.0 version of this. Although only a virtual 3D, but the fact that many expect the development of this technology, the web can meet the needs of each field of information, even people who visit each. If dianalogikan in real life, people now want to be treated as a boutique in the visitors get what want. Not as the visitors left the supermarket and find products that have their own dinginkannya. Visitors want a web's understandable by the 'shop' provider of information (in this website). This is the challenge of how a web can help visitors understand and interact with all the information available. So then I wonder if the characteristic of the development of third generation web is a web of 'real', actually there is the interaction that occurs, and can give suggestion or 'advice' to the visitors to get information in the diharapkannya, and of course, also remains a 'Be' or able to provide the information needed. Web 3.0 itself is a project development semantic web, a web system that can track every regard, from the words terangkai, related to the meaning of each word used. The aim of course to the web can be a general media to exchange information through the documents that the language can be understood by the system, so that web visitors can easily find the appropriate data related or at least close to what we mean. Web 3.0 itself is a realization of the development system of artificial intelligence (artificial intelegence) to create a global meta data that can be understood by the system, so the system can interpret the data back to the visitors with both. Currently, the Web 3.0 start adaptation developed by several companies in the world, such as secondlife, Google Co-Ops, even in Indonesia also have started to develop, namely Li'L Online (LILO) Community. Other potential problems that are appearing, as the future of technology, Web 3.0 also requires speed Internet access and the memadahi specification computer that is not inconsequential, this is not because this technology is based 3D visual. Meanwhile, as we know the cost of Internet access with high speed in Indonesia is still quite expensive for the general public. If not yet calculated the cost of computer equipment specifications needed, the community may want to enjoy the sophistication of service-based Web 3.0 technology still must breathe penjang. However, due to their own Web 3.0 is still in development, along with the passing of time as the Indonesian people we can still expect that the cost of communication, in this high-speed Internet connection would be cheaper later, so that is affordable for the public.
If you want to see what will be the development of the web in the future, then Web 3.0 is the answer. This breakthrough technology is evidence that the World Wide Web is always growing. Virtual world (read: Internet) has been affecting many human lives today. The more people who hang out information to the development of the Internet, so that the technology used in the development of a web site continues to grow. From the era of the first developed the web (Web 1.0), where visitors can search only (Click) and see (browsing) data information on the web, and then move on the second era of the web (Web 2.0) where visitors can begin to make interaction with regulated by the existing systems on the web. The type of interaction that can be done in the era between the two is another to exchange information (sharing), the exploitation of information, and also the creation of online communities such as the hugely popular at this time, such as Friendster, Multiply, YouTube and others. Each community has its own interests in the exchange of data and information that they himpun. In this era of actual social interaction in the virtual world began to be developed. And from this era also ideas to develop the social aspects of a web start imaginable. Is the social aspect, especially the aspects of interaction. How a web can provide an interaction with the information needs of each pemakaianya, is a major development challenges of the Web 3.0 version of this. Although only a virtual 3D, but the fact that many expect the development of this technology, the web can meet the needs of each field of information, even people who visit each. If dianalogikan in real life, people now want to be treated as a boutique in the visitors get what want. Not as the visitors left the supermarket and find products that have their own dinginkannya. Visitors want a web's understandable by the 'shop' provider of information (in this website). This is the challenge of how a web can help visitors understand and interact with all the information available. So then I wonder if the characteristic of the development of third generation web is a web of 'real', actually there is the interaction that occurs, and can give suggestion or 'advice' to the visitors to get information in the diharapkannya, and of course, also remains a 'Be' or able to provide the information needed. Web 3.0 itself is a project development semantic web, a web system that can track every regard, from the words terangkai, related to the meaning of each word used. The aim of course to the web can be a general media to exchange information through the documents that the language can be understood by the system, so that web visitors can easily find the appropriate data related or at least close to what we mean. Web 3.0 itself is a realization of the development system of artificial intelligence (artificial intelegence) to create a global meta data that can be understood by the system, so the system can interpret the data back to the visitors with both. Currently, the Web 3.0 start adaptation developed by several companies in the world, such as secondlife, Google Co-Ops, even in Indonesia also have started to develop, namely Li'L Online (LILO) Community. Other potential problems that are appearing, as the future of technology, Web 3.0 also requires speed Internet access and the memadahi specification computer that is not inconsequential, this is not because this technology is based 3D visual. Meanwhile, as we know the cost of Internet access with high speed in Indonesia is still quite expensive for the general public. If not yet calculated the cost of computer equipment specifications needed, the community may want to enjoy the sophistication of service-based Web 3.0 technology still must breathe penjang. However, due to their own Web 3.0 is still in development, along with the passing of time as the Indonesian people we can still expect that the cost of communication, in this high-speed Internet connection would be cheaper later, so that is affordable for the public. (DNA)
If you want to see what will be the development of the web in the future, then Web 3.0 is the answer. This breakthrough technology is Evidence that the World Wide Web is always growing.

Virtual world (read: Internet) has been affecting many human Lives today. The more people who hang out information to the development of the Internet, so that the technology used in the development of a web site continues to GROW. From the era of the first developed the web (Web 1.0), where visitors can search only (Click) and see (browsing) data information on the web, and then move on the second era of the Web (Web 2.0) where visitors can begin to make interaction with regulated by the existing systems on the web. The type of interaction that can be done in the era between the two is another to exchange information (sharing), the Exploitation of information, and also the creation of the online community such as the hugely popular at this time, such as Friendster, Multiply, YouTube and others. Each community has its own interests in the exchange of data and information that they himpun. In this era of actual social interaction in the virtual world drive to be developed. And from this era also ideas to develop the social aspects of a web start imaginable.

Is the social Aspect, especially the aspects of interaction. How a website can be an interaction with the information needs of each pemakaianya, is a major development we are creating the Web 3.0 version of this. Although only a virtual 3D, but the fact that many of the next development of this technology, the web can meet the needs of each field of information, even people who visit each.

If dianalogikan in real life, people now want to be treated as a boutique in the visitors get what want. Not as the visitors left the supermarket and find products that have their own dinginkannya. Visitors want a web's understandable by the 'shop' provider of information (in this website). This is the challenge of how a website can help visitors understand and interact with all the information available. So then I wonder if the Characteristic of the development of third generation web is a web of 'real', actually there is the interaction that occurs, and can give suggestion or 'advice' to the visitors to get information in the diharapkannya, and of course, also a REMAINS 'Be' or able to provide the information needed.

Web 3.0 itself is a development project, semantic web, a web system that can track every regard, from the words terangkai, related to the meaning of each word used. The aim of the course to the web can be a general media to exchange information through the documents that the language can be understood by the system, so that web visitors can easily find the appropriate data related or at least close to what we mean. Web 3.0 itself is a realization of the development system of artificial intelligence (artificial intelegence) to create a global meta data that can be understood by the system, so the system can interpret the data back to the visitors with both.

Currently, the Web 3.0 start-adaptation developed by several companies in the world, such as secondlife, Google Co-Ops, even in India also have started to develop, namely Li'L Online (LILO) Community.

Other potential problems that are appearing, as the future of technology, Web 3.0 also requires speed Internet access and computer memadahi specification that is not inconsequential, this is not because this technology is based 3D visual. Meanwhile, as we know the cost of Internet access with high speed in Indonesia is still quite Expensive for the general public. If not yet calculated the cost of computer equipment specifications needed, the community may want to enjoy the sophistication of service-based Web 3.0 technology, still must breathe penjang. However, due to their own Web 3.0 is still in development, along with the passing of time as the English people we can still next that the cost of communication, in this high-speed Internet connection would be cheaper later, so that is affordable for the public.